On Oct 16, 2008, at 5:58 AM, David Allsopp wrote:

Both the MSVC and MinGW ports seem to have an error in the Makefile -
they're linking against tk83.dll and tcl83.dll - the OCaml 3.10.2 line to
link against tk84.lib and tcl84.lib is commented out.

Changing the Makefile to link against tk84.dll and tcl84.dll seems to fix
the problem.

Did you manage to do it with *.dll or *.lib? I don't have those dll's and have been unable to compile the MinGW port with a setup that succeeded since 3.09.3. I keep getting:

Cannot export tcl84_NULL_THUNK_DATA: symbol not found

Could it be a path issue? Could you please show me an example of the a path that you are using successfully?


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