I've switched to NFS boot to avoid SD card corruptions.

However, when attempting to run netboot, the roach will send an IP
discover, the host will offer one, and then the roach will send a discover
This goes on for 10-15 times when finally the roach will request the
correct IP, and the host will acknowledge. The roach will then begin the
tftp of the uboot image, but will request block 1 multiple times, gets sent
it, acknowledges once starts getting block 1 and 2 sent and then restarts
the whole process asking for an IP request.

The whole process seems very strange and I'm having trouble wrapping my
head around what could be causing it.

Has anyone encountered something similar???

Brad Dober
Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Pennsylvania
Cell: 262-949-4668

On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 3:32 AM, Marc Welz <m...@ska.ac.za> wrote:

> On Wed, May 20, 2015 at 5:19 PM, Brad Dober <do...@sas.upenn.edu> wrote:
>> Hi Casperites,
>> I have a Roach1 which is booting from an SD card.
>> I booted it up yesterday, and it was displaying the "STALE NFS handle"
>> error that other people have seen in the past (which suggested a corrupt
>> flash card). I ran fsck and fixed several errors, and when rebooting, the
>> stale nfs handle error went away. However, now the ROACH could not connect
>> to the network.
>> When I run "ifconfig netmask gateway
>> 128.91.4", I get:
>> "gateway: Host name lookup failure"
>> root@(none):~# hostname -v
>> (none)
>> If you require a hostname, put it in /etc/hostname or similar and then run
> hostname -f /etc/hostname
> regards
> marc

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