One point of clarification -- I don't understand why looking up by
string is better than using an enum, for instance.  java will autobox
enums for use in a hashmap lookup.

On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 10:34 AM, Avinash Lakshman
<> wrote:
> Why is it ad-hoc? And it uses a factory pattern and I don't think it hard
> once you get a hang of it. Consumers of the system are not even going to
> know about these details. Personally I am never a fan of fixing anything
> that is not broken - in this case it has been working really well for us.
> This is now just a matter of what one might prefer. Thrift is something that
> I would not like to see anywhere apart from the entry point. With regards to
> the using the string to lookup the handlers it was done because if you don't
> do that then you will have to resort to RPC style instead of message passing
> or find the handlers based on the kind of messages i.e if-else branching. We
> use non-blocking I/O for all our internal messaging and Thrift using
> blocking I/O. There is big difference in throughput and also Thrift
> non-blocking I/O from what I hear is horrendous in performance and
> stability. My friend you don't have my vote for this :).
> Avinash
> On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 8:11 AM, Jonathan Ellis <> wrote:
>> we have a Message class that mostly represents a bunch of bytes (but
>> sometimes does not, which in some cases causes bugs) and a bunch of
>> other *Message classes that are not Message subclasses but generate
>> Message objects (so you have the amusingly redundant Message message =
>> readResponseMessage.makeReadResponseMessage() in places).
>> I think we can replace these ad-hoc and tedious-to-write Message
>> factories with generated thrift code.  Thrift is good at this and
>> efficient (currently our message identifiers are inefficient strings
>> Any objections to investigating replacing the hand-coded messages with
>> thrift?

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