Ok. Thanks very much for all your help!

Linux VM + NTFS? Good lord. :) It occurs to me that this could be a
python 2.6 problem. Can you run python --version? Here's mine:

$ python --version
Python 2.6.4

-x helps, as now I can see the full variety of errors! :) Sometimes I
get through 4-5 tests before it comes back with "Connection reset by
peer". Sometimes I get "not found exception".

One more stupid question if you can stand it: when I get "Connection
reset by peer" on the python side, where should I see the
corresponding error on the java side? No exceptions are showing up in
the system.log. I even modified the __init__.py script so that it
prints directly to stdout/stderr, rather than using the PIPE arg.
There seem to be no errors on the java side.


On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 1:10 PM, Jonathan Ellis <jbel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 3:02 PM, Jack Culpepper <jackculpep...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 12:38 PM, Jonathan Ellis <jbel...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 2:25 PM, Jack Culpepper <jackculpep...@gmail.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Are you running on a platform that doesn't care about capitalization?
>>> Yes.  If you're building Thrift on windows you're only the second
>>> person I know to have done so. :)
>> Your platform *cares* about capitalization, right? Maybe I'm missing
>> something, but how can you "from Constants import VERSION"? The file
>> containing VERSION is called "constants.py" in the tree.
> Ah, I see.  Yes, my linux VM is accessing a NTFS fs here.  Fixed in r907797.
>> No exceptions. I actually get a different error when I run the tests now.
> Sorry, I have no useful suggestions here, other than passing the -x
> flag to nosetests to get it to quit at first error.
> -Jonathan

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