But I think that changes the terminology more than the underlying question.

We have the options:

1)  AR -> NH ->  MSSQL (plus others, which we'll ignore for now)
2)  AR  -> LINQ -> NH -> MSSQL, et al.

What are the pro & cons of each option.

One con of (3) is that it's primarily limited to MSSQL (although
providers for other DBs are available at varying stability), but
that's essentially a binary option:  It's either irrelevant (if you
are using MSSQL) or immediately disqualifying (if you use some other


On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 12:10 AM, Markus Zywitza
<markus.zywi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Wrong question, wrong answer...
> It's neither Linq2SQL nor Linq2objects. L2SQL is not only LINQ but a
> LINQ provider on top of MS mapping wizards. LINQ2AR is a wrapper
> around LINQ2NH (or NHLinq), which are LINQ providers for NHibernate.
> In the end, it means that you can use ActiveRecord with the powers of
> NHibernate and the IntelliSense of a LINQ-Provider.

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