Agreed. (inline)

Ayende Rahien wrote:
> inline
> On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 1:57 AM, Adam Langley < 
> <>> wrote:
>     Perhaps there could be a mechanism to continue to be queried for
>     the validity of this object?
>     For example, if the main use for this would be managing WCF
>     endpoints, they can transition to a faulted state, at which time
>     they can no longer be used anymore, so its actually the
>     ChannelFactory that needs to be cached (aswell)...
>     Im not sure of the best way to achieve this though.
>     I think the lazy handler should either:
>     1. allow the lazy handler to specify that its result should NOT be
>     stored within the container, allowing the handler to return it on
>     every request
> This is the current behavior, the handler encapsulate the activator, 
> which actually manage the lifecycle.
>     2. or, allow the container to store the object using the
>     appropriate lifecycle, BUT before returning the object, it passes
>     the object to the lazy handler
>     (ILazyHandler.IsComponentStale(object component) ?) to allow it to
>     return false to let the container use its cached instance, or
>     return true to have its query method called again to create a new
>     instance of the type. This way it can look at the endpoint.State
>     == Faulted, to test if it should recreate it or not...
> Argh, NO!
No, letting lazy handler provider, or whatever we call it decide whether 
it wants to register the handler in the container or not, should let you 
cover probably all the scenarios.
I say let's have _a_ way of implementing that, then we'll spike its 
usage in WCF Facility (and if I find some time, I plan to do also MEF 
integration that would require this as well) and see how that works, and 
what did we miss. Ay?
> If this is what you want, all you need to do is to write a custom life 
> cycle.
>     Ideas?
>     Adam Langley
>     Senior Developer
> <>
>      Please consider the environment before printing this email!
>     From:
>     <>
>     [
>     <>] On Behalf Of
>     Ayende Rahien
>     Sent: Tuesday, 11 August 2009 9:24 a.m.
>     To:
>     <>
>     Subject: Re: Design questions for resolution of IOC-ISSUE-161
>     Hm,
>     I would say that we need a LazyHandler, then, no?
>     2009/8/6 Krzysztof Koźmic <
>     <>>
>     Hi,
>     Funny, how we were discussing with Craig this very issue not
>     further than two days ago.
>     Anyway, I agree, that we should have something like
>     ILazyComponentsProvider (being handler missing Craig mentioned)
>     that would be last place to ask, before throwing exception. Note
>     that this would also have to support missing required (optional as
>     well?) dependencies.
>     I think that after lazy loading we should register the component
>     in the container, so that next time its ask for it's loaded using
>     standard means.
>     Krzysztof
>     Craig Neuwirt wrote:
>     Ayende,
>       I believe the IHandlerSelector was mainly used to select from an
>     existing set of handlers.  What we
>     need is HandlerMissing support which will allow us to dynamically
>     return handlers and/or register them
>     at the same time.  I am on vacation for a few days, but we can
>     chat about this (If not already implemented ;-)
>     when I return on Tues.
>     Cheers,
>       craig
>     On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 6:07 PM, Ayende Rahien <
>     <>> wrote:
>     IHandlerSelector is how I would handle this.
>     You would need to provide an implementation of IHandler that
>     provide instances via the WCF client support.
>     Shouldn't be too hard, I think.
>     On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 1:52 AM, Adam Langley
>     < <>> wrote:
>     After speaking to Krzysztof Kozmic, this question is directed
>     primarily
>     to Ayende and Craig Newirt,
>     I require that Windsor has the ability to resolve component types to a
>     WCF client endpoint configured in system.servicemodel/client
>     rather than
>     to a well-known type.
>     Krzysztof suggested that I ask if anyone has attempted to add the
>     required extensibility points to the micro-kernel to facilitate this
>     feature, so that I may build on it to bring it to completion.
>     Additionally, any suggestions on how this should be implemented
>     would be
>     greatly appreciated.
>     Krzysztof believes that before the last resort of throwing
>     ComponentNotFoundException, subscribed facilities should have the
>     chance
>     to resolve the component.
>     After taking a brief look at the code this presents two hurdles.
>     Firstly, when the configuration is initially built, any components
>     that
>     do not have a Type attribute are ignored, meaning that the naming
>     subsystem will never admit knowledge of them.
>     Secondly, even if the naming subsystem admitted knowledge of the
>     component, code needs to be added to locate a facility that has taken
>     responsibility for the type resolution, and delegate the call to
>     it/them.
>     There are several decisions around how this feature should 'behave',
>     what do you think?
>     Thanks
>     Adam Langley
> >

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