Dear Castle groups,
I have a WCF service which has a single constructor dependency - this 
dependency is 'generically decorated'.
i.e. its constructor looks like this:
public ServiceGenericDependency(IDecorator<IServiceNoDependencies> arg2)




My 'decorator' constructor looks like this:

public Decorator(T arg)



Castle has the typeof(IDecorator<>) registration, and the 
typeof(IServiceNoDependencies) registered.

PROBLEM: The WCF Facility fails to create the server.
IF I add a default constructor to my decorator class, then everything works.
IF I resolve the WCF service on the server (as a local component, i.e. take 
WCFFacility out of the equation) then everything works.

I have included a test program below - just reference WcfFacility + Castle. 
This is quite an urgent issue for me.

Thank you!

using Castle.Windsor;
using Castle.MicroKernel.Registration;
using Castle.Facilities.WcfIntegration;
using System.ServiceModel;

namespace DecoratorChains
    class Program
        static IWindsorContainer container;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            container = new WindsorContainer()

            // this is my decorator, it is capable of decorating any service.

                        .AsWcfService(new DefaultServiceModel().AddEndpoints(
                                WcfEndpoint.BoundTo(new NetTcpBinding())

            // this is my service that WILL BE decorated, then used as a 
constructor argument.
 => new ServiceNoDependencies()));

            var client = 
                new NetTcpBinding(), new 

            // this passes
            var cc = container.Resolve<IServiceGenericDependency>();
            // this fails


    interface IServiceNoDependencies

    class ServiceNoDependencies : IServiceNoDependencies

    interface IDecorator<T>
    where T : class

    class Decorator<T> : IDecorator<T>
        where T : class
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove this constructor and all tests will pass
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="arg"></param>
        public Decorator(T arg)

    interface IServiceGenericDependency
        void DoSomething();

    class ServiceGenericDependency : IServiceGenericDependency
        public ServiceGenericDependency(IDecorator<IServiceNoDependencies> arg2)

        public void DoSomething()



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