M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> The chance of two consecutive runs of sdist creating different
> archives is rather small, compared to those sources of error.
> That said, it's easy to get the upload command to use an
> already created distribution file for the upload: just
> add a new distutils command which sets .distribution.dist_files
> to what list of files you want to upload.
> This could also be added as an option to the distutils
> upload command, so that you can run:
> python setup.py upload --dist-files=dist/my-release-1.2.3.*

Here's a trick which will do the same without having to write
any new code:

First run:

    python setup.py sdist --keep-temp

Then run your tests on the created archive locally.

Second run:

    python setup.py sdist --dry-run upload

The second run won't build a new archive, it'll just upload the
already created archive to PyPI.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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