John J Lee wrote:
> On Mon, 16 May 2011, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>> That said, it's easy to get the upload command to use an
>> already created distribution file for the upload: just
>> add a new distutils command which sets .distribution.dist_files
>> to what list of files you want to upload.
> [...]
> "Just" add a new distutils command?  ISTR distutils isn't very open to
> that?  IWBNI if distutils (or some replacement for it -- distutils2?)
> supported this out of the box.

Actually, extending distutils is a lot easier than many people
tend to believe.

Adding a new command or extending an existing
one is done by subclassing from an existing command class and
then registering this new class with distutils using the cmdclass
keyword argument to setup():

Adding an option to distutils' upload command class in Python 3.3
would work as well, of course, but takes a lot longer to become
usable for package authors.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, May 16 2011)
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