On Jun 16, 2006, at 1:12 PM, Lothar Krenzien wrote:

I did it yesterday and now I'm getting the already known NPE again. And I'm sure that I didn't changed the cayenne version. But what I saw is that in the case of NPE always the same method of me is called.

Very very strange... so this would confirm a suspicion that there is a bug in the LRUMap not related to synchronization.

Another question :
I have a class which is extended from 'WebApplicationListener'. In the method 'sessionDestroyed' the following code is executed :

ObjectStore objectStore = dctx.getObjectStore();

It that really neccessary ?

It may or may not be useful. On the one hand, the ObjectStore is about to go out of scope at this point, so it (and all its objects) will be garbage collected without any extra help.

One other thing that invalidate does is throwing away cached snapshots from the cache shared by other sessions. On the positive side it frees up some memory, on the negative - it removes items from cache that could've otherwise speed up object resolution in other sessions.

I'd say keep it if your sessions share just a few objects between each other or share no objects at all; throw it away if the object sets significantly overlap between individual sessions.


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