Hello again,

only now have I returned to this issue. Like two months ago I wrote some code (MyJdbcPkGenerator) but never had time to actually use it =-O

Now I have invested some hours into it, lurking over cayenne source code trying to find a way to solve my problem. As suggested I have overridden the JdbcPkGenerator and implemented my own createAutoPk(DataNode node, List dbEntities) method. Soon I figured it out this method is never called by the framework. As it turns out the generator.runGenerator(dataSource) calls
        PkGenerator pkGenerator = adapter.getPkGenerator();
        dropPK = pkGenerator.dropAutoPkStatements(dbEntitiesRequiringAutoPK);
        createPK = pkGenerator.createAutoPkStatements(dbEntitiesRequiringAutoPK);
in its buildStatements() method.

So I have overridden createAutoPkStatements in MyJdbcPkGenerator which now doesn't delete and insert values in AUTO_PK_SUPPORT table if it already exists, which is what I wanted (I also check if new tables were added since last run)

I had a look at DbGenerator class. I think it would be nice if only tables which do not already exist would be created. This way the application which calls runGenerator() wouldn't throw java.sql.SQLException: Table 'foo-bar' already exists. I know there is a constructor which accepts excludedEntities, but then the application have to check in advance if the tables are already there and pass appropriate entities to the constructor. Of course one can always catch the exception and make it quiet.

I have one more question, more of a architectural nature. I wouldn't bother to use AUTO_PK_SUPPORT if only one cayenne-aware application would use the database. I am thinking - if anytime in the near future some other application will have to have full access to this database then this is the only way to avoid PK conflicts. Is this correct?


On 24.4.2006 15:41, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

I don't have time to do serious review, but looks ok from the first glance.

How do I use this class, once we agree on the correct behaviour?

Just set it on adapter. E.g.:

import org.objectstyle.cayenne.property.PropertyUtils;
DbAdapter adapter = ..

// since DbAdapter doesn't define 'setPkGenerator',
// but all implementors do, you can use introspection:
PropertyUtils.setProperty(adapter, "pkGenerator", new MyJdbcPkGenerator());


On Apr 24, 2006, at 3:11 PM, Borut Bolčina wrote:


as I need this functionality really bad (production code in three weeks), I came up with this class. It is in a state we love to call: "It compiles.". Can you please review it? How do I use this class, once we agree on the correct behaviour?

public class MyJdbcPkGenerator extends JdbcPkGenerator {

  /* (non-Javadoc)
   * @see org.objectstyle.cayenne.dba.JdbcPkGenerator#createAutoPk(org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.DataNode, java.util.List)
  public void createAutoPk(DataNode node, List dbEntities) throws Exception {
     // check if a table exists

     // create AUTO_PK_SUPPORT table
     if (!autoPkTableExists(node)) {
         runUpdate(node, pkTableCreateString());

     // will hold only entities to be added to AUTO_PK_SUPPORT table
     List<DbEntity> targetDbEntities = new ArrayList<DbEntity>();
         // create a set of model entity names
     Set<String> modelDbEntities = new HashSet<String>();
     for (Iterator iter = dbEntities.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
        DbEntity dbEntity = (DbEntity) iter.next();
     // create a set of existing entity names (already in db)
     Set<String> existingDbEntities = getExistingTables(node);
         if (modelDbEntities.size() >= existingDbEntities.size()) {
        // new tables added in modeler after database creation
        // modelDbEntities now contains only entity names to be added to AUTO_PK_SUPPORT table
        for (String dbEntityName : modelDbEntities) {
           targetDbEntities.add(new DbEntity(dbEntityName));                   }
        dbEntities = targetDbEntities;
            // TODO if (model < existing) then existing.removeAll(model) then delete
     // TODO if (model={T1, T2} and existing={T3, T4}) then insert T1,T2 and delete T3,T4
     // delete any existing pk entries
     // runUpdate(node, pkDeleteString(dbEntities));

     // insert all needed entries
     Iterator it = dbEntities.iterator();
     while (it.hasNext()) {
         DbEntity ent = (DbEntity) it.next();
         runUpdate(node, pkCreateString(ent.getName()));
         super.createAutoPk(node, dbEntities);

  protected Set<String> getExistingTables(DataNode node) throws SQLException {
     Set<String> existingTables = new HashSet<String>();
     Connection con = node.getDataSource().getConnection();
     Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
     try {
        ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
        try {
           while (rs.next()) {
              String s = rs.getString("TABLE_NAME");
        } finally {
     } finally {
     return existingTables;


On 23.4.2006 11:34, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

On Apr 23, 2006, at 1:21 PM, Borut Bolčina wrote:

If I understand you correctly, the above algorithm would create a statement
but not, say, tableD, as it is already present (created before).

In my case this pkDeleteString would look like (empty table names)

Sorry, my first message and the correction that followed was a bit confusing. "DELETE FROM .." is not needed at all. You need to do a SELECT to see what's there, compare with the full entity list, and only insert the missing records.

Also see Mike's suggestion on how to figure out the right starting value. It may work as an alternative or an addition to the algorithm above.

One "workaround" I can think of is to do a SELECT on AUTO_PK_SUPPORT and if no error is thrown I must assume the table exists, so I skip generator.runGenerator(dataSource); altogether.

This is not generic enough as you may end up with missing records if you added a few new tables since the last run (so AUTO_PK_SUPPORT is there, but its contents are incomplete).


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