Yeah - creating a separate entity for Status and a simple one-to-many relationship between Project and Status'es should solve the problem:

  String projectName
  Status status

  String statusName
  List projects

While you (Terry - the original poster) may want to choose Cayenne over Hibernate for a number of other reasons, in this particular case I think both Cayenne and Hibernate offer the same standard solution.


On Dec 21, 2006, at 5:53 AM, Michael Gentry wrote:

Making a getStatusName() and even a setStatusName() is fine for
conveniently getting the status name (and not needing a local
statusName instance variable), but if you need to use statusName in a
query, that won't do what you want -- you still need to specify the
relationships.  Also, you had mentioned sorting.  What exactly do you
need?  There are various ways of sorting things in Cayenne.


On 12/20/06, Aristedes Maniatis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 21/12/2006, at 11:34 AM, Terry Jeske wrote:

> I have a project object as with the following variables:
> ---------------------------------
> int id
> String projectName
> String statusName
> Hibernate does not support this, and to get around it I have had to
> create a
> view that hibernate pulls from. We like having the status_table
> look-up
> because it makes it easy to return sorted lists of projects, while
> giving us
> the freedom to change status text.

Put this in if you want a convenience method for this

public String getStatusName() {
        return getStatus().getName();

Ari Maniatis

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