After Becky got off work & had lunch at 4 p.m. with us, she & I went to 
Geneva, scarcely daring to hope we'd find the Brant mentioned in a post 
much earlier in the day.

Before I even got to the park entrance, she spotted them on the grass to 
the East of the Visitor's Center. She only has a little point & shoot 
Canon camera but she got some nice pictures. The Brant weren't really 
skittish so she walked about 30 ft. behind them & "herded" them towards 
me as I sat in the car. She was thrilled to finally see them. I had held 
an injured one that John & I took to Cornell some 12 yrs. ago so I knew 
how beautiful they are.

The jaunt yielded us 3 new osprey nests as well, even tho' they're not 
in the Cayuga basin. We saw Chimney swifts over the Smith's Opera House 
in Geneva, our 1st for the yr..

At_Mud Lock_ we saw a bald eagle in a tree near the new nest which is 
still quite visible.  The waters of Seneca River & canal are quite high 
& overflowing the banks from the lock northward.

Fritzie Blizzard

Union Springs, NY


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