George points out that the quote I referred to did not make it to the BB -- here we go, read below and learn, it is a most succinct summary.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Re: [ccp4bb] reference for "true multiplicity"?
Date:   Tue, 14 May 2013 09:25:22 +0100
From:   Frank von Delft <>
To:     George Sheldrick <>

Thanks!  It's the Acta D59 p688 I was thinking of - start of discussion:

   "The results presented here show that it is possible to solve
   protein structures using the anomalous scattering from native
   S atoms measured on a laboratory instrument in a careful but
   relatively routine manner, provided that a sufficiently high
   real redundancy is obtained (ranging from 16 to 44 in these
   experiments). Real redundancy implies measurement of
   equivalent or identical re¯ections with different paths through
   the crystal, not just repeated measurements; this is expedited
   by high crystal symmetry and by the use of a three-circle (or )

Wise words...


On 14/05/2013 08:06, George Sheldrick wrote:
Dear Frank,

We did extensive testing of this approach at the beginning of this millenium - see Acta Cryst. D59 (2003) 393 and 688 - but never claimed that it was our idea.

Best wishes,

On 05/14/2013 06:50 AM, Frank von Delft wrote:
Hi, I'm meant to know this but I'm blanking, so I'll crowdsource instead:

Anybody know a (the) reference where it was showed that the best SAD data is obtained by collecting multiple revolutions at different crystal offsets (kappa settings)? It's axiomatic now (I hope!), but I remember seeing someone actually show this. I thought Sheldrick early tweens, but PubMed is not being useful.

(Oh dear, this will unleash references from the 60s, won't it.)


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