Dear Herman

On 24 April 2014 22:32, <> wrote:

> The X-ray coherent length is depending on the crystal, not the synchrotron
> and my gut feeling is that it is at least several hundred unit cells, but
> here other experts may correct me.

I assume you meant that the coherence length is a property of the beam
(e.g. for a Cu target source it's related to the lifetime of the excited Cu
K-alpha state), not the crystal, e,g, see
8-11).  The relevant property of the crystal is the size of the
microdomains.  You don't get interference because coherence length <<
domain size, i.e. the beam is not coherent over more than 1 domain.  This
is true for in-house sources & synchrotrons, I guess for FELs it's
different, i.e. much greater coherence length?  This relates to a question
I asked on the BB some time ago: if the coherence length is long enough
would you start to see the effects of interference in twinned crystals,
i.e. would the summation of intensities break down?

I defer to the experts on synchrotrons & FELs!


-- Ian

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