Well, with full respect to your sensitivities as far as your own person is 
concerned: if you play rough (and 5 exclamation marks qualify by commonly 
accepted email etiquette as incipient flame, at least), you need to be willing 
to take a few as well... 


Best, BR



----------------------------------------- Trigger warning 

This message may or may not contain references to issues of privilege and 
oppression in-

cluding but not limited to enantiophobia, point classism, heteroatomism, 

cisbonding, sizeism, curvature, references to color, alcohol, blood, small 
insects, cancer 

cells, and any combination thereof that may cause symptoms ranging from 
discomfort and  

anxiety to violent physical response in sensitive individuals and must 
therefore be labeled 

as potentially hazardous to your comfort and well-being. 

----------------------------------------- Trigger warning 




From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Misbah ud 
Din Ahmad
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2015 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] 3BDN, 16.5% Ramachandran Outliers!!!!!


I feel rather uncomfortable and cornered with the aggressive replies and 
phrases like "throwing stones", "public humiliation" etc., which suggest that I 
have some personal enmity with the author. The structure is in the public 
domain and questions can be asked about it. I as a beginner in crystallography 
learn from each discussion on this board and such harsh and insinuating 
responses may, in future, deter people like me from posting any questions at 
all and learning refinement strategies like the one which Pavel outlined to 
improve such type of structures.  




On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 9:17 PM, Gert Vriend <gerrit.vri...@radboudumc.nl> 

At around 4.0 A resolution one normally cannot talk about accuracy. The density 
will at most locations not warrant any detailed interpretation. If, at 4.0 A 
resolution, you move atoms around a bit, you will not see significant changes 
in R/Rfree. So, you can do whatever you want, more or less. If the refinement 
puts great emphasis on the secondary structure (i.e. tries to force the 
Ramachandran plot, then you get a good Ramachandran plot, but if they put more 
weight of the fit to the density, you get a slightly lower R (and perhaps even 
Rfree) at the cost of the Ramachandran plot. And all of that is meaningless.
At this resolution you have to check if the fold is likely to be correct. I 
superposed just any high(er) resolution domain with high sequence similarity at 
the corresponding 3bdn domain, and I take any bet that the fold of 3bdn is 
right (at least of the domain I looked at, and I extrapolate to the other 
PDB_REDO (http://www.cmbi.ru.nl/pdb_redo/) cannot improve this one, and 
WHAT_CHECK (http://swift.cmbi.ru.nl/gv/pdbreport/) throws its hands up in the 
air. At 4.0 A you should be happy with an indication of the fold (and with the 
fact that the authors probably went through great pains for you getting these 
coordinates close to where they should be).



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