Dear All,

Apologies for posting a Buster-related question to this list, the
buster-discuss one seems less active :-) I am trying to run a refinement job,
and hit the following problem:

ERROR : [run_buster-0046] unable to create initial SCREEN
        output with gelly - see

Looking in the gelly_screen.log, the problem reported is:

     Getting symmetry operators from TNT.
         gelly will classify symmetry using pdb-like convention:
              SYMOP   SYMMETRY
             NNNMMM   OPERATOR
               1555   X,Y,Z
               2555   -X,Y,-Z
               3555   1/2+X,1/2+Y,Z
               4555   1/2-X,1/2+Y,-Z
         where NNN -> operator number and MMM -> translation vector

*** ERROR in assignment of symmetry operators NNNMMM (M<1 or M>9).
*** ERROR maybe the molecules are far away from the origin.

I tried everything I could think of to fix this, no luck so far.... I'm
probably making a very silly mistake... But would be very grateful for any

Best wishes,

PS: space group is C2

Radu Aricescu
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Francis Crick Avenue
Cambridge Biomedical Campus
Cambridge CB2 0QH, U.K.
tel: +44-(0)1223-267049
fax: +44-(0)1223-268305

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