Did any one need REAL BCD math like the Big Boys had?

On Sat, 27 Apr 2024, Jon Elson via cctalk wrote:
No, this is a fallacy.  Binary arithmetic is as "accurate" as decimal.  Handling VERY large numbers in floating point loses some precision, but any computer can do multiple word binary quite well.  And, the obvious example is doing division in decimal still can end up with remainders.  Back in the day, banks were terribly worried about defalcation by the guys who maintain the daily interest program.  The classic story is the guy who adjusts the code to take those fractional cents that get rounded back to the bank and sends 10% to their own account.  Now, there are so many really serious ways fraudsters can steal from banks and their customers that nobody is too worried about that sort of inside job.

A common beginer mistake was to use floating point for money.

i told my students to use a long int, and then print a period before the last two digits.

On the PC, I used a little decimal arithmetic in the "Sales Tax Genie" TSR, but mostly, I just used AAM and DAA in binary/decima conversion.

How many know that AAM is a two byte instruction, with te second byte beint 0Ah?
Changing the second byte to 8 gave division by 8, etc.

What is the smallest code to screen display a 16 bit number in hex?
anything smaller than?:  (I expect some clever alternatives)

        PUSH CX
        MOV CX, 0404h   ; CH and CL are independent
  N1:   ROL AX, CL
        PUSH AX
        AND AL, 0Fh

        ADD AL, 0F0h
        ADC AL, 40h

        MOV AH, 0Eh     ;displays char in AL at cursor position
        INT 10h

        POP AX
        DEC CH
        JNZ N1
        PO CX

Grumpy Ol' Fred                 ci...@xenosoft.com

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