On 09/16/2017 06:55 AM, Tom Longfield wrote:
I have been using KeePassXC (though mostly on Debian) for quite a while now and 
am happy to report it works well.  Nothing springs to mind that annoys me and 
it's a decent drop in replacement.
My setup sounds pretty similar to your own (also use keepass2android, though 
not KeePass on Windows).

I would be inclined to compile from source yourself rather than use an 
unofficial repo you have no reason to trust for such a sensitive application.

I'm not trying to besmirch the good name of copr.fedorainfracloud.org/bugzy but 
I've never heard of them and if you hadn't either that would give me pause for 
thought before I let their binaries at my passwords.

On Fri 15 Sep 2017 @ 21:43, H wrote:
I have been using the KeePassX password manager on CentOS 6 and 7 for some time 
and it works pretty well. On my Windows machine I use KeePass which offers a 
number of features missing from KeePassX, I also sync the database between 
several machines, including Android units where I use keepass2android. Database 
compatibility is thus required.

KeePassX, however, does not seem to be maintained any more, the last update was 
just a bit less than a year ago. It also has some annoying bugs, including 
where switching keyboards on the computer corrupts the username and the 
password if they include any character outside the ASCII range.

There seems to be a community fork called KeePassXC and I would like to ask if 
anyone is using this password manager? It is not in EPEL, nor in any other 
standard repository, only through an unofficial repository at 

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Ok, thanks. How does it compare feature wise with KeePass on Windows?

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