On 09/16/2017 11:25 AM, Phil Perry wrote:
On 16/09/17 16:05, Phil Perry wrote:
The only other potential issue I see is that the latest KeePassXC requires a 
newer version of libgcrypt, which the repo above packages as libgcrypt16 
(libgcrypt version 1.6.6) on el7. The release of 1.6 broke ABI compatibility 
with version 1.5 in el7. I have not tried building KeePassXC against 
libgcrypt-1.5 in el7 to know if that is viable.

I've just looked at the ABI changes, and can confirm that the latest version of 
KeePassXC uses the GCRY_CIPHER_SALSA20 cipher function added in libgcrypt-1.6, 
so users will also need to install a newer version of libgcrypt alongside 
version 1.5 in el7.

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