On 11/28/2017 08:06 AM, Joseph L. Casale wrote:
With a few exceptions, I see most admins treat CentOS as a single
rolling release and rely on the ABI commitment assuming things
just work between point releases. On the other hand I see the
opposite with RHEL where admins constrain installations to the
point release.

What is the case with users on this list who support both?

I can't really speak for anyone else, but for me, a lot depends on the use of the systems. I typically treat RHEL and CentOS the same way as far as updating to the latest point release. It's never bit me in the past that I am aware of.

The only exception to that is with the SGI Altix 4300/4400s I used to manage. We migrated from SLES to RHEL and in those cases, barring a serious enough bug, those boxes were left alone until time came to refresh them, such as the move from RHEL5 to RHEL6.

Mark Haney
Network Engineer at NeoNova
919-460-3330 option 1
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