On Thu, 2008-06-05 at 09:57 -0500, Johnny Hughes wrote:

> James Bunnell wrote:
> > I was in the #centos-social channel and simply stated that I noticed
> > CentOS 3-4 were getting a lot of updates. I also stated that the CentOS
> > 5 was one kernel behind, as in RHEL it is at -53, the gentlemen then
> > told me that I was wrong and it was at -21. I then asked if there was a
> > way to get a progress report somehow on 5.2, and that 5.2 has already
> > upgraded that kernel. The result was that I was banned for being
> > correct. I dont understand this kind of support.
> You are NOT correct ...
> The latest NON 5.2 kernel is:
> ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/redhat/linux/enterprise/5Client/en/os/SRPMS/kernel-2.6.18-53.1.21.el5.src.rpm

looks like -53 to me

> The latest 5.2 kernel is:
> ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/redhat/linux/enterprise/5Client/en/os/SRPMS/kernel-2.6.18-92.1.1.el5.src.rpm

this is a new kernel as of today, may 22 compilation date

> As far as being banned on an IRC Channel ... I am sure you were warned 
> first.  CentOS is manned by volunteers.  If you want to argue with the 
> people who are on IRC after they tell you not to, then you will be banned.

yes i was warned, however, can they not admit when they are wrong? and
because its volunteers (like debian), all the more reason to be

> The CentOS project trusts the judgment of our forum moderators and our 
> IRC ops ... if they ban you then you are banned.  We are not a for 
> profit company where you pay us for service and can be disrespectful to 
> our employees.  You will instead have to be polite in your disagreements.

i have been polite for weeks. i finally had a enough of being polite and
just being told, 'it will be release when its ready.' that is not a
professional answer. is it too much to ask for an update?

> If this is a problem, I suggest that you find a paid for service 
> contract where you can be rude to the people with whom you interact.

i do pay for rhel. i made the mistake of converting to centos. damage is
done. on the next major upgrade, i will return to rhel and will not
professionally recommend centos either privately,personally, or in the
realm of a business. thanks for seeing my side of the issue and not
jumping on the elite bandwagon. i am done.

> Thanks,
> Johnny Hughes
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