>     This is open source etiquette.  It differs from business etiquette
>     where you are more than welcoem to berate and yell and holler about
>     things because you're paying someone a lot of money.
> the etiquette is rudeness to promote open source? is this what you are saying?

No, the etiquette is that you need to approach developer and volunteers
as just that -- people who are doing this in their spare time.  Do not
be demanding, go the extra mile yourself ahead of time to seek answers
on your own, and give these folks the benefit of the doubt if they
don't act like support staff at RH; it isn't their job.

This part is on you, and is the only part you can control directly.  I
know from experience that more often than not you'll get much more
helpful and open responses back if you use the above approach.

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