On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 12:06 AM, Lanny Marcus<lmmailingli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 5:06 PM, Rob Townley<rob.town...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 4:48 PM, Ned Slider<n...@unixmail.co.uk> wrote:
>>> Lanny Marcus wrote:
>>>> I have KomPozer installed, but after using M$ FrontPage for years,
>>>> KomPozer looks like it is going to have a learning curve and I want to
>>>> get away from FrontPage and Windows.  I know Mark (MHR) uses
>>>> SeaMonkey. Wondering if there is anything else I can use on Linux that
>>>> is easier on a FrontPage user. I found this article:
>>>> <http://webdesign.about.com/od/htmleditors/tp/aatpwyslinux.htm> when I
>>>> googled. Recommendations?  TIA!
> <snip>
>> It always seemed to me that the only logical reason for FrontPage to
>> purposely mess up the tag order was in the hopes that someday M$ would
>> be the only ones capable of detangling it.  Without FrontPage
>> generating such messy html, i think you will find hand editing
>> html/xhtml/xml to be not so difficult.  O'Reilly's Head First HTML css
>> and xhtml is a good book. http://www.headfirstlabs.com/books/hfhtml/
>> eclipse and some plugins as documened here:
>> http://web-design.lovetoknow.com/Eclipse_HTML_Editor
> In addition to the bad HTML code produced by FrontPage, the Server
> Extensions for Linux were EOL a long time ago. I want to get away from
> FrontPage and Windoze.
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Afaik, OpenOffice can output HTML files. Therefore one can build a
document with text, tables, images etc and then export it as HTML.
Sure, it will prolly look like crap when compared to (let's say) what
Dreamweaver can do, but still, it helps those who have no clue about
web design and only need a rudimentary homepage.
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