On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 4:42 AM, luc...@lastdot.org<luc...@lastdot.org> wrote:
>>>> Lanny Marcus wrote:
>>>>> I have KomPozer installed, but after using M$ FrontPage for years,
>>>>> KomPozer looks like it is going to have a learning curve and I want to
>>>>> get away from FrontPage and Windows.  I know Mark (MHR) uses
>>>>> SeaMonkey. Wondering if there is anything else I can use on Linux that
>>>>> is easier on a FrontPage user. I found this article:
>>>>> <http://webdesign.about.com/od/htmleditors/tp/aatpwyslinux.htm> when I
>>>>> googled. Recommendations?  TIA!
>> <snip>

> Afaik, OpenOffice can output HTML files. Therefore one can build a
> document with text, tables, images etc and then export it as HTML.
> Sure, it will prolly look like crap when compared to (let's say) what
> Dreamweaver can do, but still, it helps those who have no clue about
> web design and only need a rudimentary homepage.

I have OO3 installed,  so I will check that out as another option.
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