On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 11:07 AM, <m.r...@5-cent.us> wrote:

> I admit I wasn't following the screaming and yelling about 5.4, so excuse
> me if this has been answered....
> My boss tells me he wants me to start rolling out 5.4. I want to d/l &
> burn a DVD... but when I looked at a number of mirrors, the .iso is from 1
> Oct, while the CD .iso's are from the 14th... yet 5.4 was officially
> announced the other day.
> Am I missing something, or do the mirrors have a pre-release DVD .iso,
> with no fixes in the last three weeks, or ...?
>       mark

The dates are likely based on when the ISO was actually created.  Therefore,
if the ISO was generated on Oct. 1st and no issues were found with it in QA,
then the date you are seeing on the mirrors is correct.  The ISOs are based
on the original 5.4 tree and don't include updates that Red Hat released
after the initial release of RHEL 5.4.

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