On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 5:02 PM, Robert Heller <hel...@deepsoft.com> wrote:

> i386 is for older technology PCs. The x86_64 is for newer PCs

How can I know that I have to use i386 or x86_64, my machine is not very new

> The x86_64 release takes two DVDs, but the second DVD just has
> OpenOffice language packs.

It would be great if you get me the direct link like amongst
http://ftp.iitm.ac.in/centos/5.5/isos/i386/ which one? Further, without
knowledge only, it took only one CD when I downloaded Fedora, here more than
one CD is there? We cannot do it later by using some command like yum.
Please elaborate.

Parshwa Murdia
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