On Sun, 2011-03-20 at 20:30 +0300, Александр Кириллов wrote:

> The point is it's probably as easy to lose a "community" if this still
> matters to the core CentOS team.

Centos offers free and very reliable Linux with free and very reliable

The people providing this free service are volunteers.

> And yes I started looking elsewhere and with reasonably priced offer from
> Oracle 

You come here for the free and very reliable product whilst wanting to
spend money on a different product. Perhaps you should have spent your
money several months ago and then subscribed to the Oracle mailing list?

I come here because I like Centos. I admire and respect the volunteers
who make Centos the great product it is. I've seen it used all around
the world running Apache.

> this project is probably dead in the water.

Nonsense. Centos is definitely not about to die. Especially not with
some still on version 4.9 ;-)  Versions 5.6 and 6 will come. 6 will be
useful because it has a latter kernel adapted for the Arduino
microcomputer boards.

Good luck with Oracle. Hope it makes you happier.

With best regards,


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