On Tuesday, August 09, 2011 05:34:52 PM Trey Dockendorf wrote:
> That will probably be the best option while we move these sites to a CMS.
>  The users are accustomed to using Windows drive letters that are mapped by
> our AD to access their content, and I'd like to have to leave that intact
> for now.

Just as a pointer, have you looked at some form of WebDAV?  Many CMS's (Plone, 
for instance) can do WebDAV out of the box, and it's rather transparent, 
especially with a frontend like Enfold Desktop.  You could then migrate one 
user at a time, even, if you stage it properly.

It seems to be more efficient and at least as secure as SMB/CIFS shares are.  
And requires many fewer network 'concessions' to the protocol involved....

On the first page of a google search for 'WebDAV "mapped drive letter"' I find:
http://systembash.com/content/map-drive-letter-sftp-ssh-review/  which looks 
pretty interesting to me....
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