On 05.11.2013 16:06, Sorin Srbu wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: centos-boun...@centos.org [mailto:centos-boun...@centos.org] On
>> Behalf Of m.r...@5-cent.us
>> Sent: den 5 november 2013 15:35
>> To: CentOS mailing list
>> Subject: Re: [CentOS] [OT] Building a new backup server
>>> According to Wikipedia RHEL 7 is scheduled for release 2Q 2013;
>> <<http://www.pcworld.com/article/255629/red_hat_preps_rhel_7_for_second_half_of_2013.html>>.
>> I think you meant (2Q++)++ <g>
> Well, maybe. 8-}
> Let's not diss our upstream provider. I'm pretty sure they do a good job,
> judging from how good CentOS works. ;-)

That's the reason why Red Hat refuses to make any official announcements 
before the actual release. it might turn out that some planned features 
are not ready in time and have to be removed or the release itself has 
to be delayed if there are features that need a little more baking but 
are considered to be important part for strategic reason.
They try to give you an idea what is likely to be included in the next 
release but unfortunately there are always people who then jump on the 
"but you promised!" bandwagon when some of the features don't materialize.

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