On 11/5/2013 5:06 AM, Sorin Srbu wrote:
> Do we have other options than BackupPC on CentOS that might work better?

the only reason to say it doesn't handle those usecases well is that 
each incremental will probably backup the whole file so it won't dedup 
at all... well, ANY backup system will be faced with the same problem.

other open source backup systems include things like Amanda, Bacula, 
which are more tape oriented, although they can be used with disk 
archives.   Amanda uses tar for the actual backups, and manages/tracks 
an archive of tar files.    These use agents tha thave to be installed 
on the client systems, while backuppc usually uses ssh+rsync so you just 
need to do a ssh key exchange with the target (but on a per target basis 
it can be configured to use various other methods)

john r pierce                                      37N 122W
somewhere on the middle of the left coast

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