Michael Hennebry wrote:
> On Wed, 27 Nov 2013, m.r...@5-cent.us wrote:
>> Michael Hennebry wrote:
>>> On Wed, 27 Nov 2013, m.r...@5-cent.us wrote:
>>>> One thing I've never done, or thought of until now, was whether the
>>>> thermal grease between the CPU and the heat sink had dried out. If
>>>> it's running hot, that's a possibility, so you might clean that off
and put
>>>> on some new (a buck or so at any computer parts store). Doesn't need
>> much - the force of tightening the heat sink will spread it much
farther than
>>>> you expect it to, and you don't want it coming out the sides.
>>> "the force of tightening the heat sink" frightens me silly,
>>> but I suppose that would be better than a dead CPU fan.
>>> My recollection is that that does not come off.
>> Not to worry. It will probably be a lever that you push down and it
>> catches. I doubt it's like in some servers, where you screw it on... and
>> even in that case, you screw it till you feel it stop turning.
> I found my fans and am about to get some thermal
> grease and a megohm resistor for static discharge.
> Sometime today or tomorrow I will likely
> open the case with fear and trepidation.
> The sides and top of the case are metal, but painted with an insulator.
> The front is plastic.
> The back is metal.
> I expect I should touch that before opening the case.
> What about after?  Is there something else I
> should touch before trying to edit its guts?

Don't worry. Things are a *lot* less static-sensitive. If you really need
grounding, touch a water or gas pipe.
> If thermal grease is the problem,
> how do I find out and how do I clean off the old stuff?

You can start with a paper towel. The FE who was in a month or so ago used
an alcohol prep pad.

> I've read that just adding more is not a good idea.
> If I add to much thermal paste, what do I do about it?

I'm still working on "how much". I'd say put a squirt in the middle. Make an

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Maybe a little more. Don't make a deep puddle - you're just smearing some
on. Ever put anti-seize on your spark plugs?

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