On Tue, 3 Dec 2013, m.r...@5-cent.us wrote:

> Michael Hennebry wrote:
>> I found my fans and am about to get some thermal
>> grease and a megohm resistor for static discharge.
>> Sometime today or tomorrow I will likely
>> open the case with fear and trepidation.
>> The sides and top of the case are metal, but painted with an insulator.
>> The front is plastic.
>> The back is metal.
>> I expect I should touch that before opening the case.
>> What about after?  Is there something else I
>> should touch before trying to edit its guts?
> Don't worry. Things are a *lot* less static-sensitive. If you really need
> grounding, touch a water or gas pipe.

I worry.
The first time I opened the case, 'twas to install another hard drive.
I zapped the video card.

For grounding, a heating duct would be a lot more convenient than a pipe.
Would that work?

>> I've read that just adding more is not a good idea.
>> If I add to much thermal paste, what do I do about it?
> I'm still working on "how much". I'd say put a squirt in the middle. Make an
> ______
> |     |
> | OO  |
> |_____|
> Maybe a little more. Don't make a deep puddle - you're just smearing some
> on. Ever put anti-seize on your spark plugs?

I'm a software guy.
Even when I did embedded programming,
I used the scope a lot less than others.

Michael   henne...@web.cs.ndsu.nodak.edu
"On Monday, I'm gonna have to tell my kindergarten class,
whom I teach not to run with scissors,
that my fiance ran me through with a broadsword."  --  Lily
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