On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 9:55 AM, Giles Coochey <gi...@coochey.net> wrote:
> >>>> Can we trust the bios?
>>>> Can we trust the compiler not to stealthily inject a backdoor in the
>>>> compiled version of a clean code?Given that most entries from the The
>>>> International Obfuscated C Code Contest (http://www.ioccc.org/)
>> Yeah didn't Dennis Richie modify the C compiler to insert a backdoor for
>> him when
>> ever the compiler saw login.c was being programmed?
> I think that was ken...

You are underestimating government agencies.  I think they'd go for a
backdoor in the CPU itself - harder to find and only a few companies
to corrupt to mange it.

   Les Mikesell
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