> I am not very savvy on the 'mechanical' workings of SQL
> Server but I need to remove it from my C drive and install
> it on my D drive. I am used to Microsoft ACCESS where I
> could simply 'cut and paste' the database to the D drive
> and then re-add it into my CF Server. What do I need to
> do and what is the best way to solve this problem with
> SQL Server?

As you've guessed, this isn't as easy as moving an Access file from one
drive to another. If you're doing this on your relatively expendable
development machine, this is the path I'd follow:

1. Back up all your databases to files, if you care about them at all.
2. Try to restore one to another machine, to make sure you can do it if you
end up completely breaking your machine.
3. Uninstall SQL Server.
4. Reinstall SQL Server where you want it.

If you're using SQL Server 6.5, you'll need to remove all traces of its
existence after you uninstall (a how-to is available on the MS site), and
even then you may have great difficulty reinstalling it.

If all this sounds like too much trouble, you might simply move some of the
databases to the other drive, and leave the actual server install where it
is - after all, it's the data which takes up all the room. You can do this
by backing up a database to a file, destroying the database and its device,
creating a new database and device, then restoring the backup file into the
database. Enjoy!

As a final note, if you're going to be working with SQL Server, it's in your
best interest to learn those "mechanical" workings as soon as possible -
it's pretty complex software, and you'll need to know a lot about how it
works to use it effectively.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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