Friday, September 20, 2002, 12:45:23 PM, you wrote:
>> Does anyone prefer Triggers over Stored Procedures to enforce
>> business logic? I'm trying to tell some people that SP's are 
>> better but they wont listen. Maybe I am missing something...
>> What are the advantages of a trigger over an sp?

DW> Each has advantages and disadvantages. The big advantage of triggers is that
DW> they are used no matter what - if the user or application queries tables
DW> directly, the triggers will still do their job. This is very important if
DW> there's any chance that ad-hoc SQL will be used instead of stored
DW> procedures. Personally, I prefer stored procedures because I can usually
DW> enforce access limitations to application databases such that ad-hoc or
DW> passthrough SQL can't be executed. If that's your environment, stored
DW> procedures generally provide advantages in performance and in application
DW> structure - data manipulation logic can be nicely intertwined with all
DW> database access that way.

Thanks, that seems to validate my viewpoint. These guys created an
entire table with 6 page long trigger specifically for my application
to access their database. It's been a nightmare to work with, and I'm
fed up with it and am trying to convince them to go the SP route
before we go live.


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