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O.K I have increased the "length" of these three fields to 100, 150 and 500
respectively, but still I get the 22001 error. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Jochem van Dieten [mailto:jochemd@;oli.tudelft.nl]
Sent: 28 October 2002 15:05
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: OT: SQL Server database problem

Quoting "Adams, Stephen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> The problem I am having is a "ODBC Error Code = 22001 (String data
> right truncation)" error.
> My table design is like this.
>       Column name     Datatype        Length
>       MessageID       int             4
>       MessageType     char            20
>       Department      char            20
>       CreationDate    char            15
>       PublicationDate char            15
>       MessageTitle    text            16
>       MessageTeaser   text            16
>       MessageBody     text            16
> I think that the problem is when the text is being added to the
> fields, MessageTitle, MessageTeaser and MessageBody.

'Some text to throw error' is indeed longer as 16 characters. Not
entirely unexpected behaviour, isn't it?


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