Hi Dave,

> I think it's important to separate "methodology" from "framework". There
> certainly are methodologies for building Flash applications.
> However, there
> are no well-established frameworks. Lots of Flash developers are building
> Model-View-Controller or Model-View-Presenter apps in Flash, but
> there's no
> equivalent of Struts for Flash, to my knowledge.

Indeed, this is what we're complaining about, there isn't any
well-established framework to build applications in FlashMX till now.
I am not sure that there is any well-established methodologies either
(MVC/MVP are only design patterns), especially with Remoting involved.

> You might find this book useful:
> http://www.wheelmaker.org/

Yep, this is an excellent book, one of the best in this area, highly

Don't get me wrong, I love Flash.
I was only responding to the fact that many CF Developers encouter problems
when they try to build RIAs.
They don't know from where to start, even if they have understood Flash
Remoting, Flash Components and OOP ActionScript principles.
Except Petmarket, there is no clear guidelines/blueprints/best practices on
how to architect the client side of a "real" RIA (and not a simple Flash

It has always been the strength and weakness of Flash : the freedom it
offers you...

Benoit Hediard

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