
On Wednesday, December 3, 2003, 7:07:54 PM, you wrote:

SW> Try running "" through and see. That was what my issue
SW> was yesterday - emails with two @'s in'em (sometimes together, sometimes
SW> not).

Ah-ha, MX does error out with @@ in the TO field:

<cfmail to="" from="ubqtous" subject="test">TEST</cfmail>

Error: The value of the attribute to, which is currently
"", is invalid.

However, MX doesn't care if "" is in the FROM

<cfmail to="ubqtous" from="" subject="test">TEST</cfmail>

or if the TO field has an address with no TLD:

<cfmail to="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" from="ubqtous" subject="test">TEST</cfmail>

Not sure what else MX doesn't like... CF5 didn't throw errors on any
of the above.

~ Ubqtous ~
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