you can use a  if control and if ID is null then its value is equal to 0.but firstly you must define a int variable and you use it for ID's value.

Sam Fisher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Everyone,
      Can someone tell be why I get a string convert error.  I have tried setting up ID to Val(ID) and even IncrementValue(Val(ID)), but all it ever returns is either 0 or 1, respectively.  Apparently ID is not getting converted.  "I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!"  What is wrong with converting a string to a number, especially when the string is just a concatenation of numbers?

      Many thanks,

      The value "" cannot be converted to a number
      155 : <CFOUTPUT>#ID#</CFOUTPUT>
      156 : <CFSET ID=ID + 1>
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