Your issue is the number of chunks you are trying to do it in. Try doing it
in 2 parts.

cffile is probably ok but your cfsavecontent may be what is causing you
issues as it may not be clearing down the content. You are still creating
14000 pages inside memory space even though you are not displaying them.

Have you considered that cfsavecontent may not be the right thing here?


-----Original Message-----
From: Sean Daniels [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 09 March 2004 16:16
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Writing Files without CFFILE

  Hey all,

  I have a CF script that is used to generate about 14,000 static HTML
  files from dynamic content (don't ask). I am looping over a query using
  <cfsavecontent> to save the HTML code for each page and then writing to
  a file with CFFILE. As this process runs, I sit here and watch the CF
  process gobble up RAM. When it hits about page 12,000 my RAM is
  completely spent and the server crashes (hangs).

  So. I'm thinking CFFILE simply isn't the right tool for this job. Does
  anyone out there have a suggestion for an alternate way of writing the
  files. I'm thinking maybe using the underlying Java in CFMX or

  Thanks in advance people.
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