Are you using the same variable name for the cfsavecontent?

-----Original Message-----
From: Sean Daniels [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 09 March 2004 17:18
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Writing Files without CFFILE

On Mar 9, 2004, at 11:50 AM, Adam Reynolds wrote:

> Your issue is the number of chunks you are trying to do it in.
> doing it
>  in 2 parts.

I thought about doing that, but it seems inherently
non-scalable. Like,
if I break it into two parts, what happens when the database
24,000 records instead of 14,000. I know I could do it in 5,000
chunks I guess, but I thought there might be something obvious
that was
more elegant.

>  cffile is probably ok but your cfsavecontent may be what is
> you
>  issues as it may not be clearing down the content. You are
> creating
>  14000 pages inside memory space even though you are not
> them.
>  Have you considered that cfsavecontent may not be the right
> here?

That's a good thought. I guess I could try passing the whole
string directly into cffile in the output attribute, but that's
be hard to read. Is there a way to "clear" the variable after
iteration of the loop that would release the RAM?
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