>On 10/24/05, Ali Awan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> I am thinking of installing the dev edition of MX 7 and then installing

>> Flex 2 plugin.


>The "Flex 2 plugin"? Not sure what you mean here. There is a Flex

>Builder 2 Eclipse plugin (that you install on top of Eclipse) or there

>is a Flex Builder 2 standalone version (which installs a version of

>Eclipse for you). Those are both desktop dev tools.


I was thinking that to use CF and Flex together there was some sort of Flex
server component that could be added to CF server.

I stand corrected, thanks for the clarification.


>With those you can build Flash-based UIs as SWFs using MXML / AS3 and

>deploy the generated SWF to any web server. The SWF can communicate

>with CFMX using Web Services or AMF3 - for which you need to install

>the CF Adapter that you can also download from labs.macromedia.com.


Would I be correct in assuming then, that the CF Adapter for Flex is similar
to Flash Remoting?

It's just a way for Flex and CF to communicate?




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