Once again, thanks Jason.  That link really answers my question(s).
I didn't expect access to the CF Admin either.  I just wanted to make sure that 
there was access to all of the CFTags and functions.

> For one, you don't have access to the CF Admin, but I didn't expect
> that.  Also, they may or may not make mappings for you.  Their 
> support
> article says no mappings, but in the forums an admin said to just 
> email
> him if you need a mapping created.  I haven't needed a mapping yet, 
> so
> I'm not sure.  Also, I have /heard/ that the Windows hosting has
> outages, but like I said, I use Linux and I haven't had any outages 
> yet.
> I haven't found any tags/functions that wouldn't work, but my needs 
> are
> fairly simple. CFXs seem to work fine.  Your mileage may vary.
> Here is a list of CF issues people run into on their servers:
> http://www.xtreme-host.com/faq/index.php?catid=9

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