
Viux was also one of the hosting companies I was researching.
They seem to have a good pricing plan too.
A reason that Xtreme hosting sounded good to me was the unlimited SQL Server 

Thanks for the info though.

I'd rather get my own server and play around with it, but then I don't have the 
$$ or time :(

>I had used Viux for a couple of years under their shared hosting plan 
>(up to 20 sites for a flat-rate of $75/mo) when I found a client who 
>paid me enough in maintenance that I could afford a co-located 
>solution and got my own box. Not the most robust of servers, it was 
>still mine alone and cost only $400 / mo. I could have splurged for a 
>better box but I figured I wouldn't have more than 100 sites on it so 
>it would be fine. I had remote desktop access to the box with full 
>admin access. I also had unlimited access to their shared mail server 
>(although they are frequently blackballed by SpamCop).
>With their shared hosting plan I did have access to cffile etc but 
>had to ask for it. No access to the admin.
>At 01:08 PM 11/16/2005, Munson, Jacob wrote:

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