> > How about a hidden form field that gets populated with the 
> > current date/time on form submission?  Then you could parse 
> > it and compare it to Now() on your action/upload page.
> There are two minor caveats to this approach. First, you 
> don't know how long
> the user will spend on the form before submitting. 

Yeah, I meant storing the time when the form was submitted, not on the
initial page load.

> Second, 
> you don't know
> how long it took for the user to receive the form after it 
> was generated. To
> avoid both of these problems (to the extent that you care 
> about them) you'd
> have to set the value of the hidden form field at the time 
> it's submitted
> using JavaScript, and you'd have to account for the time 
> difference if any
> between the client and the server.

Yeah, I didn't think about the client/server time difference, although using
JavaScript to get the time on the action page after the file upload would
work without any time-offset calculations.  There are lots of ways to skin
this cat, and I think the cookie approach mentioned is good as well.


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