> I ran into the same issue with one of our web services after upgrading 
> to the 7.0.2 Updater. 
> Could not generate stub objects for web service invocation.
> Name: http://****: http://****. WSDLException (at
> /definitions/binding/operation[1]/input): faultCode=INVALID_WSDL:
> Encountered illegal extension attribute 'message'. Extension 
> attributes must
> be in a namespace other than WSDL's

We are really interested in the reproducable case for this problem.  There was 
only a single change made to the axis.jar for CF 7.0.2, which realted to XML 
Schema generation using SOAP Encoded types instead of XML Schema types.  This 
should not affect ColdFusion's ability to consume a web service.  Out of 
curiousity, does the WSDL actually have the error in it that is claimed (i.e. 
is the WSDL badly formed)?

As a work around, you can restore the axis.jar from the updater backup 
directory (stop CF, move jar aside, restore backup copy, restart CF).

Sorry for the trouble, we are trying to get to the bottom of this ASAP.

Tom Jordahl
Adobe CF Team

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