If you use SVN + DFS, you will only pull the files you need from a remote
server  (SVN) once, and then DFS will propagate only the changes between
your local servers.  Doing svn update on every server will load the changes
once for every server from the remote location (unless your svn server is on
site there as well).  

Either way, the beauty of DFS is that it auto replicates things without your
intervention, unless it breaks.  


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard Kroll [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 11:23 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Uploading files to one server, propgating them to many. Was:
> Client variables? reliable enough?
> > My company currently has multiple load balanced web servers. Each time
> we
> > deploy code, we have to manually FTP it to each server. We'd love to
> be
> > able
> > to upload (or SVN) code to one location and have an automated process
> to
> > replicate the code to the other servers.
> We currently have a similar setup and are looking to use SVN to automate
> this portion of our process.  We're currently looking to use a bat file
> to SVN Update / Checkout the code on the remote servers.
> We have an integration server where we currently checkout our repository
> to then copy the code to the remote servers.  We are trying to do away
> with this method as we are using a large amount of bandwidth that is not
> really necessary.  Using the SVN update / Checkout method, only the
> files that are needed will be transmitted to the production servers, or
> at least that is our thought.
> Is there something we're missing with this method?
> Rich Kroll

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