Thanks for all the help so far I know I'm almost there

I figured out that all the items in the select need to be in the group by
clause, however what is causing the problem is the date.  When I run the
query without the date it runs fine (actually I had to remove the FullName
and break it into pat_First, Pat_Last) but I assume the GROUP BY is wanting
everything the same before it adds them together.  Well the date is the same
but the time is different causing the entries to not match exactly and
therefore will not add them together

New Query is:

    <cfquery name="rsGetPayments" datasource="#application.dsn#"
username="#application.dsnUsername#" password="#application.dsnPassword#">
       SELECT    sum(tbl_HCFA_Purchase_Transactions.pur_Amount) AS Total,
                 tbl_Patients.Pat_First, tbl_Patients.Pat_Last
                FROM     tbl_HCFA_Purchase_Transactions, tbl_Patients 
                WHERE    tbl_HCFA_Purchase_Transactions.PatientID =
                AND              pur_Date_Purchased BETWEEN
#CreateODBCDateTime(cFullStartDate)# AND
        GROUP BY Check_Num, pur_Date_Purchased, Pat_Last, Pat_First
                ORDER BY Check_Num


Output is:
ID, Check_Num, pat_First, pat_Last, pur_Date_Purchased, Total   
4, 8356, Dolores, Cannon, 2007-09-04 09:20:38.0, 100.000
5, 8357, Joseph, Manzanares, 2007-09-04 09:19:18.0, 204.0000
6, 8357, Joseph, Manzanares, 2007-09-04 09:19:55.0, 204.0000
7, 8358, Caesar, Marquez, 2007-09-04 09:31:02.0, 950.0000

Records 5 and 6 should be added together but since the time stamp is 9:19:18
and 9:19:55 they are not equal and therefore the sum wont add them I tried
taking the date out of the group by statement and get:

You tried to execute a query that does not include the specified expression
'pur_Date_Purchased' as part of an aggregate function.

Travis Haley

-----Original Message-----
From: Azadi Saryev [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2007 2:56 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Adding Small sections of a query

it should make no difference how many records you have in your table. 
Dale's code will return the results you want.


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