I believe you are correct that the answer is no and that process seems 
perfectly logical and correct.

Here is how I see the process running... By the way this is not actual 
knowledge of the process, but how I've always assumed that the process occurred.

1) Request is received by web server and is passed to cf.
2) CF sees which page it needs and checks to see if there is a compiled version 
of the template in memory or a class file on disk.
3) If there is, happily run the compiled byte code in the appropriate order. 
4) If not, compile the template. If that template references any other 
templates check each of those for compiled versions, if not then compile those 
as well.
5) Process the now compiled files in the appropriate order.

The compiler and the executor are two different processes in CF. My guess is 
that the compiler takes lots of extra time and resources, so it does all its 
work before getting into the execution process.

However like I said before I don't know any of this for sure, it's just how I 
understand the process.

All that being said, unless there is a real need to futz with extensions, all 
extensions should match their filetype. PDF should be .pdf, Excel should be 
.xls, etc. In general it makes life a lot easier.


My question was "is it possible to have CF compile a template requested in the 
url only if it is executed", so far the answer is no.

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